Director: Max Zunino
Screenplay: Max Zunino
Cast: Daniel Giménez Cacho, Leonor Svarcas
Producers: Hari Sama, Max Zunino, Laura Berrón
Production company: Catatonia Cine
Cinematography: Dariela Ludlow, AMC
Edition: Miguel Schverdfinger
Genre: Drama
Country: México - Uruguay
Language: Spanish
Juan returns to his natal Uruguay, Montevideo for a work-related trip, after several years of exile in Mexico. In his fifties and recently divorced, he’s forced to rethink his life. During this visit he meets with people from his younghood days, and some unresolved business that he must face. The death of a Military man that made Juan leave the country and the fact that someone else had to pay for it. Juan goes on a deep journey within himself where he will try to make amends with his past, and so he can give meaning to his present and find his place in the world.